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Lure Pheromone Attractant

Lure Pheromone Attractant


Lure have exceeded themselves with these two beautiful fragrances for men and women. Stylishly packaged, in a slender cologne bottle with an attractive sleeve, they are not immediately identifiable as pheromone sprays, so you won't have to reveal the secrets of your success to nosy visitors!

The active ingredient in both of these sprays is Alpha Androstenol, which "creates a friendly impression... and makes the wearer seem more approachable... touching more on empathy and romantic feelings, it (Androstenol) also creates and aura of youth and health (and) an impression of reproductive fitness." as detailed on the pherochemical website pherolibrary.com. Clinical trials detailed in New Scientist recently showed that many users reported increased "intimate socio-sexual behaviours" from others, on application of a similarly derived pheromone.

As you can see, the effect is subtle, but do not be surprised if on applying Lure you find yourself more easily in relaxed conversation with people of the opposite sex, drawing glances from across the room, meeting more new people..

Why not try it for yourself? But don't blame us if you find yourself swamped with offers.. Materials: various, Size: 29ml, Power: None Required